by Sandy Wallace | Spiritual Insights and Growth
Perhaps an odd question; yet, I encourage you to reflect on those times when you were or still are in seasons of waiting. For example, you may have waited for pregnancy test results after years of infertility. You may be waiting for your child to come to Christ, or...
by Sandy Wallace | Divorce, Spiritual Insights and Growth
Did you know that the Bible tells us to not be anxious or to not be afraid in more than 200 versus. Yet, I believe that satan’s biggest weapon in most Christian’s lives is to promote anxiety and we all fall prey to it. Never does a week go bye that I do not...
by Sandy Wallace | Spiritual Insights and Growth
Many times, I have had a person come to me asking my advice regarding returning to his/her mate. Now, this is a wonderful thing if partners can work out their issues, repent of their sins before God and to each other, and live spiritually changed lives. However,...
by Sandy Wallace | Spiritual Insights and Growth
It’s hard to not get caught up in your own circumstances and pain while going through divorce. Pleas and prayers go up to God asking Him to change the circumstances and heal the marriage or, at least, remove the pain. James MacDonaold in his book, I Really Want to...
by Sandy Wallace | Healing Helps and Stages, Spiritual Insights and Growth
I recently was chatting with a lovely, Christian lady who is a wonderful servant for Christ. I think of her as one of God’s special people. Unbeknownst to me, however, she revealed that she had read my book and that it liberated her as she had been in an...
by Sandy Wallace | Spiritual Insights and Growth
I cannot tell you how many times I hear horror stories about what is going on within marriages. At least one of the partners wants to leave the marriage as he/she does not feel safe, honored or valued. It is not unusual to learn that the partners have been...