by Sandy Wallace | Divorce Suggests a New Lifestyle
I was just cleaning a storage shelf and discovered my children’s old Chutes and Ladder game. It got me thinking about life and the way folks process their problems. The ultimate goal should be to move forward with God’s directions and help. This is not always the...
by Sandy Wallace | Divorce Suggests a New Lifestyle
I was just reading an article which stated that married people are no longer the majority for the adult lifestyle. The larger population is single people. Some of these people are single because of broken marriages yet many in our society today prefer being single,...
by Sandy Wallace | Divorce Suggests a New Lifestyle
It always comes up: How do I get through the holidays? The family’s tradition has always been that we go to my folks for Christmas Eve and open the gifts at home on Christmas Day? After lunch, we head out to my husband’s family. Easter and...
by Sandy Wallace | Divorce Suggests a New Lifestyle
Divorce can strip us of funds, real estate, assumed prestige and even employment if people must relocate and leave their employment as a result of divorce. It can seem that all we worked for and have achieved is dissolved. Numerous years ago, I was chatting with a...
by Sandy Wallace | Divorce Suggests a New Lifestyle
One of the most common divorce questions expressed at the onset of separation or divorce is the matter of lost dreams. All couples have set some goals or dreams that they are striving to achieve in their future. The purchase of a cabin in the woods may now seem...