My Blog
A New Lifestyle after Divorce
I was just reading an article which stated that married people are no longer the majority for the adult lifestyle. The larger population is single people. Some of these people are single because of broken marriages yet many in our society today prefer being single,...
Life’s New Beginnings after Divorce as Written in the “Breakthrough” Magazine
Recently, I was asked to write an article for my church’s magazine, Breakthrough. I have been asked by some who do not receive this magazine to share the article on this blog. Some parts have been cut for efficiency of space. The majority of the article follows:...
Divorce and Finances
Someone once said that “the love of money will not make you happy; yet, the lack of money may make you miserable.” Very few couples goes through divorce without experiencing a financial crunch. Simple mathematics suggest that two people sharing one household can...
Biblical Divorces
Recently, one of my friends in group asked if I had read David Instone-Brewer’s book, Divorce and Remarriage in the Church. She had been told the book was very interesting and wanted my input on the book. I had not read it but her interest in the book led me to...
Divorce and the Difficult Holidays
It always comes up: How do I get through the holidays? The family’s tradition has always been that we go to my folks for Christmas Eve and open the gifts at home on Christmas Day? After lunch, we head out to my husband’s family. Easter and...
Can We Achieve Success after Divorce?
Divorce can strip us of funds, real estate, assumed prestige and even employment if people must relocate and leave their employment as a result of divorce. It can seem that all we worked for and have achieved is dissolved. Numerous years ago, I was chatting with a...
Did You Know your Divorce Journey is on Stage?
It’s hard to not get caught up in your own circumstances and pain while going through divorce. Pleas and prayers go up to God asking Him to change the circumstances and heal the marriage or, at least, remove the pain. James MacDonaold in his book, I Really Want to...
Is My Divorce a Sin?
I recently was chatting with a lovely, Christian lady who is a wonderful servant for Christ. I think of her as one of God’s special people. Unbeknownst to me, however, she revealed that she had read my book and that it liberated her as she had been in an...
“Keeping the Faith” is Essential while Navigating the Divorce Journey
Remember the Jewish Exodus. The Jews were promised a new land of great blessings, yet, during their journey, they let their faith wane and this lack of faith caused them all kinds of heartaches and difficulties. God never changed, they did. I encourage you to read...
Is Divorce Covered under Grace or Law?
I cannot tell you how many times I hear horror stories about what is going on within marriages. At least one of the partners wants to leave the marriage as he/she does not feel safe, honored or valued. It is not unusual to learn that the partners have been...
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