My Blog
Is Waiting for my Divorce Wasted Time?
Perhaps an odd question; yet, I encourage you to reflect on those times when you were or still are in seasons of waiting. For example, you may have waited for pregnancy test results after years of infertility. You may be waiting for your child to come to Christ, or...
Financial Checklist when Going through a Divorce
(The Following Checklist was presented by Edward Jones Investments) Divorce is a major change that can bring emotional and financial stress. We understand this may be a difficult time for you. Your financial advisor can be a trusted resource to help walk through many...
Divorce May Heighten One’s Anxieties
Did you know that the Bible tells us to not be anxious or to not be afraid in more than 200 versus. Yet, I believe that satan’s biggest weapon in most Christian’s lives is to promote anxiety and we all fall prey to it. Never does a week go bye that I do not...
Divorce in the Pool
Every week I get several calls from persons whose partners have chosen to leave them. Upon asking the details there is usually a lot of confusion regarding why the partners would choose to leave or blaming the partners for leaving. If this thinking has gone on for...
Pastor Greg Boyd Comments on Divorce
The right to divorce is still a very troublesome subject for many. Very few pastors are willing to approach the subject via the pulpit. Pastor Greg Boyd of Woodland Hills Church in St Paul, MN has been one gracious exception. I have paraphrased one of his...
Identifying True Repentance During my Divorce
Many times, I have had a person come to me asking my advice regarding returning to his/her mate. Now, this is a wonderful thing if partners can work out their issues, repent of their sins before God and to each other, and live spiritually changed lives. However,...
Another Lovely Review of “The Divorce Journey”
Divorce and separation can be a lonely walk. Fortunately for us, author, Sandy Wallace, walks by our side sharing lots of wisdom and encouragement. With deep insight, Sandy explains how God can use the pain and loss of divorce - to reconstruct a whole new you!...
A Testimonial Regarding the Divorce Support Group
A wonderful lady who has attended my group was so kind to write this testimonial regarding the group. She is a lovely, beautiful lady gifted with a marvelous voice. She puts on shows/concerts for those who want to be blessed with her humor and testimony. I have...
When Can I Start Dating after my Divorce?
I recently was chatting with a lay who had been divorced for over three years. She was expressing that she felt she had healed and was ready to start dating. She asked what I thought. Was she ready? I must back up on the conversation however. The lady preceded this...
The Divorce Journey Can Resemble the Game of Chutes and Ladders
I was just cleaning a storage shelf and discovered my children’s old Chutes and Ladder game. It got me thinking about life and the way folks process their problems. The ultimate goal should be to move forward with God’s directions and help. This is not always the...
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