About Sandy Wallace
Sandy Wallace
My Story
Sandy Wallace, the author discovered that many Christian authors give some advice or scriptures for troubled marriages; however, very few walk readers through the entire journey. She openly reveals her journey in which she acknowledges the numerous mistakes she made that resulted in painful detours along the healing journey from divorce.
Sandy has compiled many reputable Christian authors’ comments as well as her own experiences as she traveled through her journey.
One of her most interesting observations follows: “The fact is that there is no relationship between the worst situations some have to overcome and their inability to heal or be happy.” Healing [or divorce recovery] is a matter of choice, of work, not of past circumstances. “The sooner we give our fears to God and trust him to handle each situation, the sooner we can make sound decisions.”
At the end of the journey, one can hope to have maintained his/her integrity, as well as glorify God and reveal His faithfulness.
Sandy has volunteered in many positions in her church over the years such as a women’s ministry leader, Sunday school teacher, choir member, plays participant, etc. Currently, she is a lay counselor within the Counseling Center of her church as well as co-facilitator, with her husband, of the Divorce Support Group. They have provided this ministry for over 16 years.
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The Divorce Journey, A Christian’s Travel from Heartache through Healing to Happiness reveals my desire and purpose to let the reader know that one can make it through this journey with the promise of a more wonderful life.
The sooner we give our fears to God and trust him to handle each situation, the sooner we can make sound decisions
– Sandy Wallace
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