A wonderful lady who has attended my group was so kind to write this testimonial regarding the group.  She is a lovely, beautiful lady

Stephanie H

Stephanie H

gifted with a marvelous voice.  She puts on shows/concerts for those who want to be blessed with her humor and testimony.  I have included her website.  http://stephaniemissnorthdakota.com/

Stephanie states:, “Sandy and Skye have been running the Divorce Support Group for years.  They are gifted and talented in this arena in helping people heal and  learn to forgive themselves and others.

Sandy’s book is a “must-have” for anyone going through the devastation of divorce or anyone who wants to support their friends going through divorce.

Sandy’s words of wisdom are heavenly inspired and she knows her topic better than anyone I’ve ever met.”

Thank you Stephanie for such kind words.